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/* */ if (K345.requireScript) { K345.requireScript('is', 'delement', 'object'); } var reg = new RegExp('(^|\\s)js_on(\\s|$)', 'i'); if (!reg.test(document.documentElement.className)) { document.documentElement.className += ' js_on'; } window.onload = test_is; function test_is() { 'use strict'; /* comparsion ctypes */ var ctypes = { 'string': 3, 'number': 3, 'int': 3, 'float': 'flt', 'object': 3, 'boolean': 4, 'null': 4, 'nan': 3, 'infinity': 3, 'undefined': 'undf', 'array': 3, 'node': 4, 'text': 4, 'list': 4, 'date': 4, 'regexp': 3, 'function': 3 }; /* val: values to test, type: expected type, desc: row description in table */ var ctests = [{ val: '', type: 'string', desc: '""' }, { val: 'test', type: 'string', desc: '"test"' },{ val: new String('foo bar'), type: 'object', stype: 'string', desc: 'new String<br>("foo bar")' }, { val: 0, type: ['number', 'int'], desc: '0' }, { val: 1, type: ['number', 'int'], desc: '1' }, { val: 3.1415926, type: ['number', 'float'], desc: '3.1415926' }, { val: 1E3, type: ['number', 'int'], desc: '1E3' }, { val: 0x3B, type: ['number', 'int'], desc: '0x3B' }, { val: Math.E, type: ['number', 'float'], desc: 'Math.E' },{ val: new Number(4), type: 'object', stype: 'number', desc: 'new Number(4)' }, { val: {}, type: 'object', desc: '{ }' }, { val: {hi: 'm'}, type: 'object', desc: '{hi: "m"}' }, { val: Object.create({a:1}), type: 'object', desc: 'Object.create<br>({a:1})' }, { val: Object.create(null), type: 'object', desc: 'Object.create<br>(null)' }, { val: true, type: 'boolean', desc: 'true' }, { val: false, type: 'boolean', desc: 'false' },{ val: new Boolean(false), type: 'object', stype: 'boolean', desc: 'new Boolean<br>(false)' }, { val: null, type: 'null', desc: 'null' }, { val: NaN, type: 'nan', desc: 'NaN' }, { val: Infinity, type: 'infinity', desc: 'Infinity' }, { val: undefined, type: 'undefined', desc: 'undefined' }, { val: [], type: 'array', desc: '[ ]' }, { val: [2, 4], type: 'array', desc: '[2, 4]' }, { val: document.body, type: 'node', desc: 'document.body' }, { val: document.createElement('b'), type: 'node', desc: 'createElement<br>("b")' }, { val: document.createTextNode('hi'), type: 'text', desc: 'createTextNode<br>("hi")' }, { val: document.getElementsByTagName('span'), type: 'list', desc: '.getEl…TagName<br>("span")' }, { val: document.links, type: 'list', desc: 'document<br>.links' }, { val: new Date(10, 11, 12), type: 'date', desc: 'new Date<br>(10, 11, 12)' }, { val: (/^[a-z]+/i), type: 'regexp', desc: '/^[a-z]+/ i' }, { val: new RegExp("\\d+", "gi"), type: 'regexp', desc: 'new RegExp<br>("\\d+","gi")' }, { val: function () {}, type: 'function', desc: 'function ()<br>{…}' }, { val: parseInt, type: 'function', desc: 'parseInt' }]; /* will be set to true on false positive results */ var failed = false; /* images for results*/ var img_true, img_false; img_true = { element: 'img', src: 'http://res.' + myHost + '/img/misc/plus-green-20px.png', alt: 'true' } img_false = { element: 'img', src: 'http://res.' + myHost + '/img/misc/minus-red-20px.png', alt: 'false' } /* loop */ var rv, i, j, prop, cty; /* HTML table */ var mCell, tRows = [], cmpNames = [], tHead, tFoot, tCells, cls, thcls; /* column description cells */ for (prop in ctypes) { cmpNames.push({ element: 'th', text: (typeof ctypes[prop] === 'string') ? ctypes[prop] : prop.substring(0, ctypes[prop]), title: prop }); } /* compare every value with every comparsion mode and create table */ for (i = 0; i < ctests.length; i++) { cty = ctests[i].type; thcls = (Array.isArray(cty)) ? '.multi' : ''; tCells = [{ /* row description */ element: 'th' + thcls, child: [{ element: 'span.desc', title: 'test item', html: ctests[i].desc }, { element: 'span.type', title: 'return value of typeof operator', text: typeof ctests[i].val }, { element: 'span.type', title: 'return value of toString()', text:[i].val) }] }]; j = 0; for (prop in ctypes) { rv =[i].val, prop); /* compare */ if (rv === true) { if (cty === prop || Array.isArray(cty) && cty.indexOf(prop) > -1) { cls = '.true' } else { cls = '.error' failed = true; } } else { if (cty === prop || Array.isArray(cty) && cty.indexOf(prop) > -1) { cls = '.error' failed = true; } else { cls = ''; } } tCells.push({ element: 'td' + cls, child: (rv) ? img_true : img_false }); j++; } tRows.push({ element: 'tr', child: tCells }); } tHead = [{ element: 'th.first', child: [{ element: 'span.down', text: 'val' }, { element: 'span.up', text: 'comp' }] }].concat(cmpNames); tFoot = [{ element: 'th.status', child: [{ text: 'Status:' }, { element: 'img', src: 'http://res.' + myHost + '/img/emot/' + ((failed) ? 'sad' : 'grin') + '.png', alt: 'emoticon', title: (failed) ? 'fucked up' : 'all well' }] }].concat(cmpNames); var cmp = K345.dAppend( 'tablewrap', { element: 'table#cmp', border: '1', child: [{ element: 'thead', child: { element: 'tr', child: tHead } }, { element: 'tfoot', child: { element: 'tr', child: tFoot } }, { element: 'tbody', child: tRows }] }, K345.DAPPEND_REPLACE ); } /* */